
Insuldiabi ("Stroke support") is a physiotherapy practice based in Tallinn. Client who was just starting out in the self-marketing reached out and I designed an entire brand - starting with logo, then going forward with social media visuals and a home site.

Insuldiabi has gained many new clients thanks to the home page I created. At the time in April 2023 when home page was released, they only had 1 client, and by August 2024, they have gained 20 new clients and home page has been visited by 1400+ people, 66% of them from Estonia.

Date: October 2022 / ongoing

Client: Neurorehabilitatsioon OÜ

Role: Designer / Web developer / Illustrator

Home page:

insuldiabi koduleht insuldiabi logo insuldiabi logo insuldiabi logo insuldiabi logo insuldiabi logo insuldiabi logo insuldiabi logo insuldiabi logo insuldiabi logo insuldiabi logo
insuldiabi sotsiaalmeedia insuldiabi sotsiaalmeedia insuldiabi sotsiaalmeedia insuldiabi sotsiaalmeedia